Through my eyes

living my life without regrets

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Frozen World 2018

Partially Frozen Niagara River

It is just January in 2018 and look what it is like.

People ask me what I mean when I say it is cold In Canada.

Partially Frozen American Falls

Look at the pictures, do you KNOW how cold it has to be to for Niagara Falls to start freezing?

Magic Show

Hope He's Not Hungry
 We went to a magic show in Niagara Falls, on the Canadian side of the Falls and had a great time. It was amazing how the mind could be fooled, including mine. I sat right there and could not understand how those tricks were performed.

Amazing, simply amazing.

We had a picture taken with a Bengal Tiger next to us. The tiger is real and I am sure he was fed before we crawled into his cage with him.
Frozen Tree

Illusions, the world is an illusion but when it comes to the cold……..brrr………not so much.

Nothing But Ice

It is cold, bone chilling cold.

And you wonder why I travel to warmer climates? Wouldn't you travel to warmer areas too?
Waiting to Check Into Hotel


Which Way to the Falls?

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