Through my eyes

living my life without regrets

Friday, August 03, 2018

26) The Day After Carnival

26. The Day After Carnival

Monday February 12….


Hello? I have a hangover! OK, I slept to 1PM but that seems like not enough.

Well, no, slept is the wrong word, there was a loudspeaker announcement at 9AM by the Captain. Another announcement at 10.00AM and then again at 10.30AM for the crew members, but it came via the public address system. Something about a drill they had to perform. GROAN!

I understand there was another noon announcement by the Captain, but I heard nothing from this one.

Carol had set up the alarm clock for 12.30PM but I slept through that, too. She finally woke me up at 1PM. 

Did I drink too much, not enough?  Groan!

I feel bushed, those day and night affairs are for the young.

How could they have danced all night is what I am thinking. Samba all night?  (Song from My Fair Lady is in my head). I walked around groggy all afternoon; drank Cappuccinos and just felt a bit disoriented.

We had a light lunch at the cafeteria buffet but at dinner we met Betty. Everybody on board seemed to know Betty, but it was the first time for me to meet her. Betty is 92 years old and this was her 50th Cruise. You read that right, cruise # 50.

Imagine, you live on a ship, cruise the world, and book a cruise year after year or more often even.

Betty came from just East of San Francisco, her husband died years ago and now she has nothing to do and all she does is cruise. She is too old now to work as an accountant, her profession, she tells us. So what would she do at home, she might as well travel. And cruising is her way of getting around. Betty travels alone. Her mind is ‘with it’ her body a bit frail but all I can say is: “Go Betty!”

On a ship she meets nice people she said. She gets fed; somebody makes her bed, better than a retirement home. Betty loves cruising across the seas.

The Pink Shirts Held Us Up Over An Hour
We were supposed to cast off at 5:00PM but that was an hour ago. We were still moored and while the main gangway was packed away, a small gangway was still there, the door open for? Someone is missing!

After about an hour or so waiting, a limo pulled up, 2 crew members, folks in white uniforms, stepped out of the limousine and an older couple was helped from the car. 
Immediately after the 4 people entered the ship, the gangway was pulled up, the door closed and we were off on the next leg of our cruise…
Goodbye Sugar Loaf (You Can Almost See the Cable Car Near the Top)

We watched the sail-away from our balcony for a while, saying good bye to Rio de Janeiro from the water’s edge. We cruised close to the Sugarloaf Mountain and the Christ the Redeemer Statue before entering the ocean and waving good bye.  
Goodbye Redeemer

Adios, Rio 
Adios Rio

We are aiming for Montevideo, Uruguay, but we have some sea days before that.

Sailing Into the Sunset - Finally

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