Through my eyes

living my life without regrets

Saturday, October 13, 2018

European Adventures - 12 Wedding Party at Stefan's, Saturday

12. Wedding Party at Stefan’s - Saturday
Receiving Line

It rained last night; it was a good drenching that cooled the air. Finally!

We had a lazy morning at ‘our’ apartment, did some chores, and wrote some notes. I was thinking of the rain last night and what might have happened if Stefan did not have the foresight to have a large wedding/party tent put up behind his house. Good man, this Stefan Knopf, he was prepared, there was no snafu, and all was under control. The whole affair of the wedding worked like clockwork. 

Father and Son Christopher
We were asked to be at the party again for the 2 pm formal reception. Ah, we thought, we have time, we will get there around 2.30 or even 3.00 and all will be ok, right?

Not in Germany! Aileen Paull sent an email at 2.09 pm with “Where are you?”

Well, ok, not far away, we walked over; we got there at 2.25 PM.

There was a receiving line when we got there; Stefan and Ira very formally, were again in their wedding clothing.

Stefan and His Daughters On the Left; Ira and Her Daughters On the Right
Everybody toasted the new couple with a glass of champagne. The catered affair was well organized, the service of the catering crew subdued but efficient. A huge crowd attended and everybody was dressed up, yet casually so. The temperature was perfect albeit a bit threatening of more rain, but it did not matter, we had this huge tent.

We just schmoozed till about 3.30 when cake was served. What am I saying ‘cake’, CAKES, maybe 15 or 20 of them? You would not believe the spread of bakery goods spread out on a row of tables. I have never seen anything like it. 
The Wedding Cake

The highlight was the wedding cake, a 3 tier construction consisting of 3 different flavors. Each layer had its own flavor, you could choose between lemon, mango or pistachio. And yes, that was just the wedding cake; all the other cakes were bakery cakes of whatever you could think of. Did you know that Stefan’s brother owns a bakery? Well you get the idea, right? Did you know that Stefan is a certified, trained baker himself?
More Sugar But Sooo Good

We all had a sugar high after this ‘Kaffeeklatsch’ and just hung out in the shade of the very old and big Chestnut tree that is the center of Stefan’s back yard. 
The Pistorius and Knopf Families, Joined

We hung out only for a bit, however, because at 6.00PM dinner started. A buffet of delicacies that defeats words was spread out. Many different meats, potatoes, vegetables and salads were offered. The personnel of the catering service never ran out of anything, some dishes were gone very fast yet were replaced with something new almost instantly. What an affair. How did they do that?
No More Rich Desserts For Me

Amazing Salad

More Salads

In the middle of it all, Stefan and Ira were gentle hosts, smiling, talking with each table, shaking hands, laughing and welcoming each and everyone to this bash.
This Is How the Bike Shop Looked On Friday Night - WOW!

I have never been to a wedding like this! And I doubt there will ever be another wedding just like it. Fabulous!  Thank you for inviting us! 

Thank you Stefan, thank you Ira...we are wishing you all the best for the future!

The Saturday Night Dance Band
They hired a large band which played in the large hall attached to the house (the room that used to be for motorcycle maintenance and storage but was emptied and cleaned up for this event). 

The music and dancing started. The dancing was in full swing when Carol and I left. We snuck away at about 9 + something pm.

This time, the band time, was for the young, our old bodies do not gyrate like that any longer.

Enjoying the Music
New Friends, Agnes and Donna

Aillene and Mike


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